How Shall We Then Live

10 – “It All Comes Down to This”

How Shall We Then Live? Two days until the election!! And it is being said by people from both parties that this is the most important election in the history of our nation. Of course, that is said every four years, to one degree or another. Is THIS election different? Both “sides” believe it is, but for radically different reasons. Some would…

8 – “Preserving Unity When Christians Disagree”

How Shall We Then Live? Christians don’t agree on everything. This much is obvious, but it raises two important questions: the first is how do we know when our disagreements are serious enough to merit separation? For example, in Romans 16:17 Paul writes, “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the…

6 – “In View of God’s Mercy”

How Shall We Then Live? “Mercy” is one of those words that is rarely used and often misunderstood. “Mercy” is defined as “compassion or forgiveness toward someone who deserves judgment or punishment.” It has been said that mercy is the “other side of the coin” from “grace.” If grace is giving people what they don’t deserve, mercy is NOT giving people what…

5 – “Heirs According to Promise”

How Shall We Then Live The only way to understand the Bible, and so to understand what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, is to see the entire Bible as one book, one story, from beginning to end. The story begins even before God created, and it ends in the transition to a new heavens and a new earth,…

3 – “God Created Them … Male and Female!”

How Shall We Then Live God created two genders: male and female. God didn’t make a mistake. His created order was precisely what He intended. His design was perfect. Then came sin and rebellion, followed by confusion and chaos. Yet, in the midst of all of this, Jesus came to bring salvation to those who by the work of His Spirit would…

1 – “Pass it On! … The Importance of Intergenerational Discipleship”

How Shall We Then Live “Discipleship” is an often-used word in Christian circles today, but as with most often-used words, it means different things to different people. To some it means simply saying the words, “I believe in Jesus.” To others it means abiding by a certain set of “rules” or commands, presumably taken from the Bible.  Various other definitions are tossed…