Sermons by Doug Potgeter

5 – “God’s Design for Purity”

Moral impurity is a major problem in our society, but this is not something new: throughout history mankind has always perverted and misused God’s good gift of sex. Paul’s list of the works of the flesh begins with sexual sins (cf. Galatians 5:19) and in 1 Thessalonians 4:3 he reminds us that sexual sin is against God’s will. But in a society…

4 – “Unity in the Church”

Are you a spiritual person? Or are you a person ‘of the flesh?’ The Church at Corinth was the latter and had some serious problems as a result; they also had a lot of questions. Throughout Paul’s first letter to them he addresses many practical matters such as church discipline, lawsuits against fellow believers, sexual immorality, marriage, divorce, singleness, spiritual gifts, the…

3 – “The Strongest Weak Man”

What comes into your mind when you think of Samson? Violence? Supernatural strength? A problem with women? All of these are part of his gripping story! What do you think he looked like? Some people assume Samson was a very muscular man, one with perfect physique; but as you read the narrative this doesn’t seem to fit. The Philistines couldn’t understand how…

2 – “GOD’s Passion for His Glory!”

In the book of Judges the nation of Israel is in a downward spiral of apostasy. The refrain “The people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD…” is repeated numerous times (2:11; 3:7, 12; 4:1; 6:1; 8:33; 10:6; 13:1). This is followed by God’s judgment which is usually, but not always, followed by the Israelites’ cry for…

1 – “The Only Way to Resist Idolatry”

When the word idolatry is mentioned most of us have images of primitive people bowing down to statues or shrines. Unfortunately, it is this incomplete perception of idolatry that causes modern people to be unaware of, or in some cases to overlook, the idols of their heart. Far from being an ancient problem, idolatry is still a problem in our modern technologically advanced…

8 – “Preserving Unity When Christians Disagree”

How Shall We Then Live? Christians don’t agree on everything. This much is obvious, but it raises two important questions: the first is how do we know when our disagreements are serious enough to merit separation? For example, in Romans 16:17 Paul writes, “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the…