15 – “Jesus … the Bread of Life!”

Going … Make Disciples!

“Life” … a little word with only four letters … but without LIFE you are DEAD!! A young boy in a movie from many years ago said the now famous words, “I see dead people!” He was talking about actually “seeing” people who had died, but there is a different kind of “dead people.” When most people talk about “life,” they are talking about physical life. But from Genesis through Revelation the Bible talks about “LIFE” as more than physical life or about life in this world. God tells us that He “breathed into Adam the breath of life,” and Adam became spiritually alive. Different than any other creature God had created, Adam, and then Eve, were able to have fellowship/communion with their Creator. They were, after all, created in His image … as spiritual beings, albeit with physical bodies. But when they sinned against God, they DIED, even as God had told them they would. Since that time every human being has been conceived and born “in sin,” spiritually DEAD, and only God can give LIFE to those who are dead!! As Jesus continued to teach the disciples and the crowds who gathered around Him, they were slow to learn. Only those who were given “ears to hear” could begin to understand what Jesus was telling them: He was the “Bread of life,” the bread that came down from heaven to give spiritual life to all who would believe in Him … life NOW, and life FOREVER!! For nearly 2,000 years our Father in heaven has been offering this spiritual life through the Gospel of Jesus Christ; calling people to believe in Jesus and receive His gift of life. The hunger and thirst of the human spirit can be satisfied only by “eating and drinking” of Jesus’ body and blood! Life-giving and life-sustaining truth is found only in Jesus Christ. Emptiness, sadness, despair and death are the inevitable result of spiritual hunger. But satisfaction, joy, hope and life are found in Jesus, our Savior and our Lord!! Have you found LIFE in Jesus? May God’s Word bear fruit this morning, encouraging those who are alive, and awakening those who aren’t!!