2 – “God Gave Them UP … the Downward Spiral of Sin!”

How Shall We Then Live

How can we possibly explain the state of our nation … or of the world for that matter? Countless explanations are offered by those who do not know God. And just as many solutions are proposed in an attempt to “fix” everything from the environment to relationships among people. Few, however, want to look at the REAL problem: the hearts of people who are living in rebellion against their Creator! GOD identifies both the problem and the solution in our text for today. He knows the hearts of people who live in rebellion against Him, rejecting His truth because they have first rejected HIM! While people in every sphere of life attempt to “manage” the behavior of those who want to find happiness for themselves without God, the inability of mere humans to create a world where joy, peace, hope and purpose can be experienced by all is displayed by the results we can see with our eyes. Every attempt to create such a “utopia” is doomed to failure. What we are seeing today is the wrath and judgment of the holy God whom we were created to worship! God offers hope, forgiveness, salvation … LIFE … in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, yet when people foolishly reject God’s offer and substitute the worship of idols of various kinds in place of the worship of their Creator, God gives them over to their sinful rebellion, releasing them to live in the uncleanness of their minds and the depravity of their hearts. It is not a pretty picture! From the drug- induced tragedy of those who live on the streets of many major cities, to the debauchery of the rich and famous who live in their lavish estates, and everywhere in between, the consequences of sin are obvious to those who have been given eyes to see: “ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). And “the wages of sin is death … BUT the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!” (Romans 6:23). That’s why we are “not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes!” (Romans 1:16).