2 – “The Rapture!”

Seven Years That WILL Change the World!

It has been almost 30 years since the author of the “Left Behind” book series began to reveal to millions the future that God has planned for mankind and planet earth. Over an twelve-year period, from 1995-2007, the readers of the books were taken into God’s Word through fictional stories of those who were “left behind” following a cataclysmic event that suddenly and without warning transported millions from the earth.  Those who were left behind were urged to believe in Jesus Christ before it was too late. The books made for interesting reading and even led to the making of three movies over a five-year period, and one “re-make” in 2014. Since that time, most people have “moved on” from what many considered to be a foolish idea produced by the imagination of religious zealots who had nothing better to think about. Surely, such a thing could never happen. … … … BUT GOD says otherwise!! Such an event WILL occur, and most of the human race will, indeed, be “left behind,” as those who believe in Jesus Christ are “raptured,” are “gathered together” to meet the Lord in the air. Yet, the writer of the books, and many who teach that the “Rapture” is the next event on God’s prophetic calendar, may have missed or misunderstood some of the details God has given us in His Word, and so been mistaken about its timing, as well as other details. What do you do when you have several passages of Scripture that reveal truth about a specific subject? You put them all together to discover a fuller, clearer picture than any one of the passages may give. God’s Word has one author: the Spirit of God who was at work in the writers of Scripture! There will be a “Rapture,” but the timing and signs and purpose for this event, revealed in God’s Word, give us all we need to know to be ready and to help others to prepare for their meeting with God. May we be found so doing when He comes!!