How Shall We Then Live
God created two genders: male and female. God didn’t make a mistake. His created order was precisely what He intended. His design was perfect. Then came sin and rebellion, followed by confusion and chaos. Yet, in the midst of all of this, Jesus came to bring salvation to those who by the work of His Spirit would believe in Him. These would become “new creations,” once again able to understand God’s created order, to pursue God’s created design, and live out God’s created purpose as men and women, male and female. In Christ, the confusion is replaced with clarity, truth overcomes the lies, and despair turns into hope. In Christ, men and women find joy in fulfilling the purpose God designed them to fulfill as they complement each other rather than opposing one another. The solution that many find so difficult to discover is displayed so clearly in God’s Word. Who knows better than the One who created male and female in the beginning? Who else can give us instruction on how men and women are to live together for the glory of their Creator?? Disciples of Jesus not only “believe in” Jesus, but also desire to please the Father by living in obedience to His commands. For us, the question is always, “What does GOD say?” The theories of men are based on the supposed “wisdom” of those who either reject God’s Word entirely or who imagine that “things have changed.” But for those who are disciples of Jesus God’s Word speaks truth and points to the beautiful “oneness” of both genders, men and women, working together for the glory of God, their Creator. May God use His Word today to teach, to challenge and to encourage each of us to fulfill our role as men and women, created in the image of God!