Seven Years That WILL Change the World!
Would you like to go back and see what the Garden of Eden was like? Can you imagine being Adam and Eve, living in this beautiful place, talking with God … no pain, no sorrow, no death …?? The amazingly wonderful message of the Bible is that those who believe in Jesus Christ will someday live in an even BETTER place!!! God tells us that He is going to create a NEW heaven and a NEW earth, and that HE is going to live WITH His people! Everything will be perfect, as it was in the original Garden of Eden before sin entered into the world through Adam and Eve; but in this new world all who are there will partake of the “Tree of Life” and will remain in our glorified state of perfection forever, sustained by the very power of God, our Creator! John writes in I John 3:2: “Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.” In the new heaven and the new earth, believers do not BECOME God, but we WILL be LIKE God. We will be righteous, holy and perfect. Our new bodies will not grow old, sustained by the very power of God, our Creator and our Savior. The world around us will not decay, for it, too, will be sustained in its glorious perfection by the power of the One who created it. For His own purposes and for His glory, God allowed and ordained Satan’s rebellion and man’s sin in order to reveal His mercy, grace, patience and love to those whom He chose in Christ before the creation of the world. We who will live in the presence of God FOREVER will be thankful and joyful for eternity, time without end! No wonder then that the Apostle Paul declared: “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! … For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To HIM be glory forever! Amen!!” (Romans 11:33,36).