While everyone is welcome to join us as we worship and fellowship together, God calls all who believe to commitment and accountability as we serve the Lord, using our gifts to build up the body of Christ.
To help you learn more about Lighthouse and what it means to be a meaningful part of God’s church family, we offer a Body Life class led by J.B. Smith. This informative class provides the best way for you to learn about our beliefs, vision, history, and various ministries we offer and is designed to help you in your decision-making process of deciding on a new church home. The Body Life class is also a tool to discover what spiritual gifts God has given you and how you can use them to further His kingdom at Lighthouse!
Many of us grew up in a time where we had “papers”, meaning that if God moved us to another church body we had to “transfer” our membership. At Lighthouse, we believe that there is only one membership that makes an ETERNAL difference, that membership being a part of the ONE TRUE CHURCH. We believe that there is one true Church that is made up of people of every nation, tribe and tongue who confess Jesus Christ as their Savior, who believe they are saved by grace and not by works, and who use their gifts to bring glory to their God and King!
That being said, we do not believe that membership is a requirement to worship at Lighthouse. However, we do believe that accountability is necessary. By becoming a confessing member you are saying that you want to be held accountable by your brothers and sisters AND that you are going to hold us accountable to the truth that comes only from God’s word. There are also decisions that need to be made in the life of a church body which requires the member’s input. By becoming a confessing member, you are saying that you are committed to God’s work at Lighthouse and that you would like to have a voice in where you feel God is leading.
We pray that you find Lighthouse a safe, caring and loving place to worship your King!