“What can I expect when I come to Lighthouse on a Sunday morning?”
When you attend Lighthouse on a Sunday morning, you can expect to be greeted with a smile and a “good morning”! We are a large family of believers who believe that EVERYONE is welcome! Come as you are, leave changed! All of us come to worship on a Sunday morning on a level playing field, at the foot of the cross, all “having sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” BUT thanks to that same cross, we are able to come before a Holy God with our praise and worship.
When you step foot into the doors you will see that there may be someone with a shirt and tie and some with jeans and a t-shirt, some with dresses and some with shorts and flip-flops. We believe God looks at our hearts, not our clothes. We are to bring our best to God – our lives.
The morning usually begins with a time of music. This time is led by the praise band and is for us to praise our King, to examine our hearts and to prepare our hearts to hear His word as spoken through Pastor Steve. You can expect to sing contemporary music as well as hymns. Following this is normally a time to return back to God what He has given to us in our offerings, which go toward furthering His kingdom both across the street and around the world. During this time, our children are dismissed to Children’s Worship (for children ages DK-2nd grades) and Little Lambs (for children ages 2-4 yrs.) This time for the children includes worship much like the adults but more on their level. A nursery is also provided from the beginning of the morning for infants through 2 yr. olds.
What you can expect on Sunday mornings is an encounter with the Spirit of the living God-the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as we worship Him, as He speaks to us and as He challenges us with His call to live and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
If you have any questions about Sunday mornings, please contact Pastor Chad Demers!