Pastor Steve has been preaching and teaching God’s Word at Lighthouse since 2004. His passion is proclaiming the Gospel and helping people to understand the hope that knowing Jesus Christ brings and the joy that following Him produces in their lives.
Chad Demers
Pastor of Worship and Adult Discipleship
Chad has been serving at Lighthouse since 2007. He and his wife Toni and their three children believe God called them to Lighthouse "for such a time as this!" Chad's passion is to help others understand what it means to be "ALL IN" to God's work at and through Lighthouse as well as help everyone get connected to the Body of Christ!
Youth Pastor
Adam has been serving at Lighthouse since 2011. He and his wife Ashley and their two children live in Hudsonville, MI. Adam believes that Youth Ministry is incredibly important, and takes very seriously the calling of God to help equip the students and their parents to know the ways of God and serve the Lord.
Overseer of Shepherding and Visitation
J.B. joined our staff to assist with the caring for the members of our Body.
Children's Ministry Co-Director
Ashley is the Children's Ministry Director of Sunday Mornings.
Children's Ministry Co-Director
Faith is the Children's Ministry Director for the Wednesday Night ALIVE! Ministry.
Administrative Overseer
Dave is the Administrative Overseer for Lighthouse.
Administrative Assistant
Lynette has been cheerfully serving as the secretary at Lighthouse since December of 2015. She's definitely at home serving the needs of the congregation, administration, missionary services, but most importantly the Lord.
Patty's the clean up lady. She does a great job! Just always remember one thing: NO RED POP!!!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, no glitter! That's a no-no as well!