Words From The Upper Room
Feeling alone, powerless and vulnerable is never a pleasant experience, but it is a common one for most people! One of the great blessings of being a disciple of Jesus is the fellowship within the Body of Christ. God designed it that way. It is said that “no man is an island.” We all need each other. And still, moments can arise when you feel alone and it appears there is no path forward. The disciples were in that place, as Jesus told them He was going away, and they could not follow where He was going … at least not yet. What were they going to do without Jesus walking before them and teaching them? Their hearts and minds were in a turmoil. But Jesus now tells them He is going to send them “another Helper,” who would be with them forever, “even the Spirit of truth.” He would not leave them as orphans!! What a comfort that must have been for them, even though they could not yet fully understand what He meant. The disciples were still learning, and so must we! It is not enough to remember that Jesus died for your sins, rose again and ascended into heaven. Jesus promised those who love Him that He would come to live IN them!! “Christ IN you, the hope of glory!” (Colossians 1:27). They had become dependent on Jesus, but now He was going to leave and they would be alone … but not for long!! The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Christ, as Paul wrote in I Corinthians 2:16, “the mind of Christ!” Jesus does not leave His disciples, then and now, as orphans. We who by God’s grace are born again by His Spirit are “indwelt” by the very Spirit of the living God. You who believe in Jesus Christ are never an orphan! You are never alone. You don’t have to ask Him to be with you because He IS with you!! Rejoice in the presence of the Spirit and live by the power of God within you every day and you will experience HIS peace!