Sermons on Ephesians

12 – “Walk in Wisdom”

Stand Alone Sermon We live in a day where we are surrounded by foolishness don’t we? It seems we are bombarded with it, in the news, in the laws, in politics, in our schools and workplaces, and even in many churches. The world is attempting to redefine our origin, our gender, our species, and our God. The Bible defines foolishness as a…

11 – “By the Father’s Authority!”

Going … Make Disciples! “Authority” is almost considered to be a “four-letter word” by many in our nation today. Whether it is police or government or courts, or teachers, bosses, supervisors and the like, people have a hard time today acknowledging that anyone has the “right” to tell them what to do. Obedience to almost any authority is challenged, leaving people in…

3 – “God’s Relationship with PEOPLE!”

The Truth About God, Satan, Angels, Demons, Heaven and Hell “Father’s Day” is the perfect time to talk about the relationship God has with those who believe in Jesus Christ! “American Christianity” seems obsessed with the idea that GOD is in a relationship of love with EVERYBODY, even if they aren’t in a relationship with Him. Disregarding the holiness of God and…

1 – “Our Triune God Saves His People!” (Stand Alone Sermon)

Stand Alone Sermon The Trinity is an ancient doctrine essential to the Christian faith, and incredibly special in the hearts and minds of believers. And yet, for many, it can be a confusing doctrine they would rather accept but not dwell upon. However, this truth of God, that He is unique in being one God in Three Persons, is not simply a…

24 – “Good Works Prepared by God”

Stand Alone Sermon For many today, Labor Day signals the end of a summer break, and the beginning of a time where we wrap up our summer activities, prepare to get back to school, start up more activities and responsibilities that will take our focus for the rest of the year and beyond. For the church, it means the beginning of a…

5 – “Faith and Repentance: The Fruit of New Life”

‘THIS I KNOW!’ It all comes down to a choice … a choice that no human being can make unless they are first born again by the Spirit of God! Most people believe there is a “tension” between God’s sovereignty in salvation and man’s responsibility. In order to resolve this supposed dilemma people imagine that God does everything He can do and…