5 – “How Satan Works … and How YOU Can Resist Him!”

The Truth About God, Satan, Angels, Demons, Heaven and Hell

Since Satan rebelled against God in heaven, he has been at work to “recruit” people to join him in his war against God and in his desire to build his own kingdom. In the year 2023 A.D., the majority of the human race finds itself opposed to the knowledge of the one true God and thus in bondage to the sinful nature with which they were born, unwilling and unable to escape from the snare which the lies of Satan have laid for the unsuspecting. BUT GOD made a way!! God revealed His plan of salvation first through the prophets, and then in His Son Jesus Christ, and finally through the Gospel. Through the Apostles and the Church God has proclaimed His truth to all the nations of the world, and by the power of His Spirit He continues to call His elect to Himself. There is no other way to be saved from God’s coming wrath and judgment than through faith in Jesus Christ! Living as followers of Jesus in this world is difficult for God’s redeemed children because we are IN this world, but no longer OF this world. Knowing the truth about sin and judgment and righteousness, we who believe are ambassadors of God’s kingdom, proclaiming His truth to those who will not hear UNLESS God gives them new life in Christ. Yet we know that we are instruments of God to offer His love and forgiveness to those who repent and believe. Meanwhile, we are opposed at every turn by Satan and his evil partners, both demons and those who remain in the bondage of their unbelief. In the weakness of our flesh we, too, would be vulnerable to Satan’s lies, even as those without the Spirit, but God has given us everything we need to be victorious: TRUTH!! God speaks to us in His Word, equipping us to combat Satan’s lies with His truth, exposing the darkness and bringing everything into the light. The only way to be prepared for Satan’s lies is to know the truth that sets us free!! You must be equipped for the battle and then be engaged in the battle every day, for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom! When Jesus returns, may we be found so doing!!