Words from the Upper Room

11 – “My Kingdom Is Not of This World”

Words From The Upper Room The writers of the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, all record the events of what some today call “Holy Week,” from Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to His resurrection one week later. It seems strange to call this period of time “Holy Week,” because it was, in reality, the most “unholy” week in the…

10 – “The Father’s Gift to The Son”

Words From The Upper Room We sometimes joke that certain people think they are “God’s gift to the world.”  Such people are often filled with pride and fail to realize that those around them would rather NOT be!! That is just the opposite of GOD’s goal for those who come to know Him. We sometimes, if not often, miss the central truth…

9 – “For the Glory of God!”

Words From The Upper Room “I want to be like Jesus!” Many people SAY that, but few seem to understand what it means! As He approaches the cross, looking forward to facing the mockery and humiliation of “trials” before the Jewish council, Herod and Pilate, enduring the physical agony of being beaten and whipped, and finally suffering the wrath of God against…

8 – “One Step At a Time!”

Words From The Upper Room Who would not prefer an “easy road” through life? Given the choice, no one would choose sorrow, suffering, and trials. But while there are those who claim that Jesus promises those who believe in Him such a path, His words that have been passed on to us through the Apostles tell a different story. Jesus simply never…

7 – “It’s Better This Way!”

Words From The Upper Room No one knows the future … except GOD!! The beauty of God’s revelation in His Word is that He tells us what to expect as we live life in this world, and what lies ahead for God’s people, the Church. Jesus had told the disciples He was going to Jerusalem and that He would be put to…

6 – “Hated Without a Cause”

Words From The Upper Room Nobody LIKES to be hated! It is uncomfortable to say the least … and yet, Jesus told His disciples they WOULD be hated because of their relationship with Him. Jesus warned His disciples that they would face opposition at every turn for the sake of His name, and yet most who claim to be His disciples today…

4 – “Never An Orphan”

Words From The Upper Room Feeling alone, powerless and vulnerable is never a pleasant experience, but it is a common one for most people! One of the great blessings of being a disciple of Jesus is the fellowship within the Body of Christ.  God designed it that way. It is said that “no man is an island.” We all need each other.…

3 – “Believe ME!”

Words From The Upper Room When someone tells you to “believe” them, it often indicates that you may have some reason to doubt that what they are saying is true. In our world today it often seems appropriate to have what some call a “healthy skepticism” about almost anything you are told. Social media has “fact checkers,” but who is checking them?…