Going ... Make Disciples!

15 – “Jesus … the Bread of Life!”

Going … Make Disciples! “Life” … a little word with only four letters … but without LIFE you are DEAD!! A young boy in a movie from many years ago said the now famous words, “I see dead people!” He was talking about actually “seeing” people who had died, but there is a different kind of “dead people.” When most people talk…

14 – “Sowing ‘Seed’ into the Kingdom”

Going … Make Disciples! It probably seems strange to most people to talk so much about a “kingdom,” because we live in a world where most nations, other than Great Britain (the “United Kingdom”) do not have a king … and even there the king is more of a title than anything else because he has no real authority. Yet the entire…

13 – “What do you want from Jesus?”

Going … Make Disciples! Most people probably have some kind of “wish list.” People look at their lives and imagine what might make them happier or more fulfilled/satisfied. You can think of the children’s stories of a genie in a bottle who would grant three wishes. What would you wish for? As you look at your life in this world today, where…

11 – “By the Father’s Authority!”

Going … Make Disciples! “Authority” is almost considered to be a “four-letter word” by many in our nation today. Whether it is police or government or courts, or teachers, bosses, supervisors and the like, people have a hard time today acknowledging that anyone has the “right” to tell them what to do. Obedience to almost any authority is challenged, leaving people in…

9 – “Build Your House on The ROCK!”

Going … Make Disciples! Jesus didn’t make it easy to be one of His followers. It may have seemed at times that He was actually trying to get people NOT to follow Him!! But what He was really doing was cutting out all of the pretense. It was as though He was telling people, “Don’t say you want to follow Me, or…

7 – “A Radically Different Way of Looking at Life!”

Going … Make Disciples! What does it mean to be “blessed”? If we’re honest, most people imagine that being “blessed” means something “good” has happened and you are feeling “blessed!” So being “blessed,” to most people, is being happy! The problem with that definition is that it leaves you thinking you are NOT “blessed” when you’re NOT happy, when things don’t seem…

6 – “Jesus KNOWS You … and Loves You Anyway!”

Going … Make Disciples! A disciple of Jesus is one who loves God and loves others. The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Corinth, saying that without love “I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (I Corinthians 13:1). An old saying declares that “love is a two-way street,” and God confirms the truth of those words when He moves…