Sermons on Daniel

7 – Daniel VS. The World: Pt. 2 (Stand Alone Mini-Series)

“The Believer’s Influence on the World” We live in a modern day “Babylon”, where the people around us want to worship anything but the true living God, and want to do anything but follow Him and His ways. It’s easy to grow frustrated with this, seeking to remove ourselves from this world, desiring a way out, but that is not the plan…

6 – Daniel VS. The World: Pt. 1 (Stand Alone Mini-Series)

“Standing Against the World’s Influence” Many of us grew up hearing stories of different Bible characters, learning good moral lessons from them. But the problem with learning these stories in piecemeal is that we often miss out on the greater context of their lives as taught in the Bible, and the simplified versions of their lives that we were taught in Sunday…

14 – “Daniel and His Friends: Fire and Lions!”

‘From Eden … to the Cross!’ “Conditional” testimonies are always dependent on things going “right” … from a purely human perspective.  It’s easy to talk about being “blessed” when things are going well. People who believe in God, who trust in Jesus Christ, who are filled with the Spirit, often testify that God is good, kind, loving, gracious, compassionate, merciful, and faithful as…

4 – “The Millennium: Christ’s Reign on the Earth!”

‘Seven Years That Will Change The World!’ People ask, “Where is all of ‘this’ heading?” They are referring, of course, to all that is happening in our own nation today … yet the larger context is what is happening all over the world! “Global travel” has led to a “global pandemic.” “Global communication” and a “global economy” have established an unprecedented “interconnectedness”…

3 – Daniel’s 70th Week

” … the end.” When it comes to the subject of “end times,” most people immediately think of John’s “Revelation” as the source for information regarding the end of the world. But believing that Revelation is highly symbolic and difficult, if not impossible to understand, many leave the study of these things to others. Few people seem to believe that it is…