THIS is Eternal Life!
Amid the chaos of life in this world, it can feel like you are a small, insignificant speck caught in the middle of powerful forces that have the potential to cause you heartache, pain, and loss. So much of life in this world is beyond our control! BUT, it is not beyond GOD’s control!! While some pretend that all is well and others imagine they have the power to control their own destiny or despair of the state of our nation and the world, those who know the almighty, eternal God who reveals Himself through His creation, His Word, His Son, and His Spirit find rest in the knowledge of His plan to establish His kingdom on the earth when Jesus returns in power and glory. There is no power greater than God’s and nothing can overrule or interfere with His perfect plan to gather for Himself a people who know Him, who love Him and who serve Him. Our Father in heaven rules over the nations and yet knows what is going on in your life and promises to be with you, to help you, to strengthen you and ultimately, to deliver you!! Where else can you find such hope, such peace, such JOY??!!!! Daniel needed to hear this message … and we need to hear this message today! God’s love and grace uphold those who put their trust in Him through faith in Jesus. It is true. It is good news! And it is for all who believe!! May God give you today a vision of His hand at work that is big enough to remove your fear, to take away your doubts and to assure you that He is with you today and will be with you tomorrow … no matter what is going on in your life. He is LORD!