Sermons on Hebrews

3 – “God’s Relationship with PEOPLE!”

The Truth About God, Satan, Angels, Demons, Heaven and Hell “Father’s Day” is the perfect time to talk about the relationship God has with those who believe in Jesus Christ! “American Christianity” seems obsessed with the idea that GOD is in a relationship of love with EVERYBODY, even if they aren’t in a relationship with Him. Disregarding the holiness of God and…

7 – “Mt. Sinai and the Ten Commandments: Christians and the Law”

‘From Eden … to the Cross!’ Almost everybody has at least heard of “the ten commandments,” even if very few can tell you what they are!  The original movie hit the theatres in 1956, depicting God speaking to Moses on the top of Mt. Sinai and writing the commandments in stone with a “finger of fire!” It was all quite dramatic, but it…

10 – “Death: And What Comes Next!”

‘THIS I KNOW!’ What do you KNOW about death??? Few people want to talk about it, but no one can escape it! God says, “It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). People have all kinds of ideas about what happens AFTER death … most of them untrue … but few really understand what death…

12 – “Riches … TRUE Riches and its Connection to Wisdom … “

“Wisdom to Live By!” The pursuit of worldly riches seems to be what “the American dream” is all about. Few people are satisfied or content with what they have, and many are caught in the trap of believing that money and things can produce happiness. Yet the misery of those who pursue the things of the world is obvious to those who…

11 – “Conflict Resolution / Reconciliation / Making Peace … it Requires Wisdom!”

“Wisdom to Live By!” Clearly, there are many verses and passages in God’s Word that speak about conflict and how to resolve it in a way that honors the Lord and brings peace among those who are struggling to be reconciled with one another. God knows what causes conflict and He knows the path to reconciliation … after all, He sent Jesus…