“Wisdom to Live By!”
Clearly, there are many verses and passages in God’s Word that speak about conflict and how to resolve it in a way that honors the Lord and brings peace among those who are struggling to be reconciled with one another. God knows what causes conflict and He knows the path to reconciliation … after all, He sent Jesus to reconcile us to Himself! As you hear the instruction of God through the words of Solomon and the other writers of Scripture you will discover some steps that you can take to be a “peacemaker!” It is not an easy task because within each of us is the old nature of sin that produces anger and bitterness and the desire for revenge, along with other negative emotions. We are easily separated from others, even those we love, when we do not hear God’s instructions and obey them. Continue to pray for wisdom from God to learn how to speak, how to listen … even how to think and feel … as you commit yourself to seeking peace and to being a peacemaker. Our Father in heaven is able to do far more than we imagine if we will listen to the voice of our Good Shepherd and follow His example!! “Blessed are the peacemakers!”