Sermons on Isaiah

10 – “Seeking God in the New Year!”

Stand Alone Sermon There is something about turning the calendar to a new year that makes it seem that almost anything is possible, which is why many people begin the year by making resolutions. The problem, however, with the resolutions most people make, is that they rely on merely human “will-power” to accomplish them, and so they eventually end up where Paul…

11 – “The New Heaven and Earth … The Eternal Home of Believers!”

The Truth About God, Satan, Angels, Demons, Heaven and Hell Some “secrets” are better hidden than others, and others are “hidden” in plain sight!  While most Christians know about and talk about “going to heaven” when they leave this life, few seem to know that heaven is not our final destination! God reveals in His Word that He will destroy this planet…

4 – “Satan … Fact or Fiction?”

The Truth About God, Satan, Angels, Demons, Heaven and Hell More and more books, movies and TV shows are centered around the reality of a spiritual world of evil, where people are merely pawns to be used and abused by the forces of darkness. While there is an occasional “victory” for the “good guys,” as good overcomes evil, the power of evil…

5 – “The New Heaven and Earth!”

‘Seven Years That Will Change The World!’ It is not only true that God KNOWS the end from the beginning, but also that God has REVEALED the “end” to those who have been given ears to hear! The truth concerning the end of this world, as we know it, and the beginning of the world to come is found in God’s Word, as…

4 – “The Millennium: Christ’s Reign on the Earth!”

‘Seven Years That Will Change The World!’ People ask, “Where is all of ‘this’ heading?” They are referring, of course, to all that is happening in our own nation today … yet the larger context is what is happening all over the world! “Global travel” has led to a “global pandemic.” “Global communication” and a “global economy” have established an unprecedented “interconnectedness”…