“Wisdom to Live By!”
It is an admirable goal: “ … one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all,” but the ideal is not realistic as we live in this world. Mankind, including every man, woman and child, is too deeply affected by our sinful rebellion against God. All of our attempts to establish “a more perfect union” have been and continue to be thwarted by the “plague” that lies within us. “But God …”!!! As we celebrate the independence of our nation, our only hope is confessing our DEPENDENCE on God, the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Sinful people will always misinterpret “liberty” to mean doing whatever they want, rather than living in submission to God’s righteous decrees. The “land of the free” becomes more and more a “land of the slaves” because those without Christ live as “slaves of sin,” in bondage to the very nature with which we have all been born. God tells us that we “were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. BUT GOD …” (Ephesians 2:3-4). Through the grace of God in His Son, Jesus Christ, we who believe have been set free from our bondage to sin and can begin to understand what true “justice” looks like. As stewards of God’s truth, we proclaim to the world God’s standard of righteousness and warn them of His coming judgment. And then we point them to His kingdom, where in Christ all who live in His presence will experience true “liberty and justice for all!” Oh, what a glorious day that will be!! Until then, we are called to celebrate the freedom that is found only in Christ Jesus and to live our lives promoting the justice God describes in His Word. When Jesus returns, let us be found so doing!