Sermons on I John

15 – “The Testimony Every True Believer Has in Their Heart!”

Stand Alone Sermon What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the name, “JESUS”??? Messiah, Lord, King, Mediator and more are all common answers, but perhaps the first thing that comes to mind for many believers is “SAVIOR!” Different people have had different experiences in getting “saved.” Some people have known Jesus as Savior all their lives, while others…

4 – “LOVE … Is Found In Knowing God’s Love For YOU In Jesus Christ … and Loving Him Back!”

Advent Series While many people talk about “loving others,” few understand that true LOVE can be received and expressed only by those who know the love of GOD, our Creator, through His Son Jesus Christ. It is only when the very Spirit of Christ dwells within you that selfless love becomes your desire, and you become willing and able to love God…

6 – CHRIST: True God, True Man – Savior!

“You Are My Witnesses!” Jesus asked the disciples a question that every human being must eventually answer: “Who do you say I am?” Either Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah, God’s Anointed King, who came to offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sin in order to SAVE those who believe from God’s just judgment … OR, He was an impostor,…

2 – YES! You CAN Know!

“You Are My Witnesses!” “Life” is described by some as a “journey” … but a journey to where?? It is the failure of the majority of people on the earth to consider their eternal destination that leaves them living without purpose. We live under the shadow of eternity every day. Not one person knows whether he or she will be here on…

13 – COMPLETE Joy!

Second Sunday of Advent: “COMPLETE Joy!” “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full!” (John 15:11). Speaking to His disciples about their relationship with Him, Jesus explains that it is only by “abiding in His love,” only by an intimate fellowship with Him, that true joy, complete joy can…

12 – REAL Love!

First Sunday of Advent: “REAL Love!” It may seem that the theme of God’s love in Christ has been explored so often that we should not need to continue explaining it, especially to those who are the beneficiaries of His amazing love through faith in Jesus. However, understanding God’s love in Christ is so necessary and so foundational in the life of…