Sermons on Romans

8 – “Preserving Unity When Christians Disagree”

How Shall We Then Live? Christians don’t agree on everything. This much is obvious, but it raises two important questions: the first is how do we know when our disagreements are serious enough to merit separation? For example, in Romans 16:17 Paul writes, “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the…

6 – “In View of God’s Mercy”

How Shall We Then Live? “Mercy” is one of those words that is rarely used and often misunderstood. “Mercy” is defined as “compassion or forgiveness toward someone who deserves judgment or punishment.” It has been said that mercy is the “other side of the coin” from “grace.” If grace is giving people what they don’t deserve, mercy is NOT giving people what…

4 – “LOVE … Is Found In Knowing God’s Love For YOU In Jesus Christ … and Loving Him Back!”

Advent Series While many people talk about “loving others,” few understand that true LOVE can be received and expressed only by those who know the love of GOD, our Creator, through His Son Jesus Christ. It is only when the very Spirit of Christ dwells within you that selfless love becomes your desire, and you become willing and able to love God…

2 – “PEACE … Is Found Only Through Jesus!”

Advent Series “Peace on earth, goodwill toward men” has been repeated so many times during the Christmas season that the words have lost whatever meaning they may have had. PEACE continues to be an elusive dream as nations go to war, politicians disagree, families disintegrate and the majority of the human race rejects the only true peace that can be experienced in…

3 – “God’s Relationship with PEOPLE!”

The Truth About God, Satan, Angels, Demons, Heaven and Hell “Father’s Day” is the perfect time to talk about the relationship God has with those who believe in Jesus Christ! “American Christianity” seems obsessed with the idea that GOD is in a relationship of love with EVERYBODY, even if they aren’t in a relationship with Him. Disregarding the holiness of God and…