Sermons on Matthew

19 – “Signs of His Coming!”

Going … Make Disciples! No matter what is going on in the world around us, this we know … our sovereign God is in control and His plan will be accomplished, for the good of those who know and love Him, and for His glory! Jesus is on the throne and the angels are singing, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” at this very moment!!…

18 – “The Definition of ‘GREATNESS’ in God’s Kingdom!”

Going … Make Disciples! Throughout the course of human history “greatness” has been defined in various ways. For some greatness is measured by popularity, while others measure it by one’s accomplishments, and still others by character or some unusual personal “success.” All of these standards of measurement are subject to the perspective of the one who is doing the “judging.” What is…

16 – “Upon THIS Rock, I Will Build My Church!”

Going … Make Disciples! It has been said that “Words matter!” Yet it could be debated what even that statement MEANS! What about the statement, “Actions speak louder than words?” Does that mean words DON’T matter? These brief examples reveal the importance of definitions. It has become clear today that we need to define words that have been used for hundreds of…

14 – “Sowing ‘Seed’ into the Kingdom”

Going … Make Disciples! It probably seems strange to most people to talk so much about a “kingdom,” because we live in a world where most nations, other than Great Britain (the “United Kingdom”) do not have a king … and even there the king is more of a title than anything else because he has no real authority. Yet the entire…

13 – “What do you want from Jesus?”

Going … Make Disciples! Most people probably have some kind of “wish list.” People look at their lives and imagine what might make them happier or more fulfilled/satisfied. You can think of the children’s stories of a genie in a bottle who would grant three wishes. What would you wish for? As you look at your life in this world today, where…

11 – “By the Father’s Authority!”

Going … Make Disciples! “Authority” is almost considered to be a “four-letter word” by many in our nation today. Whether it is police or government or courts, or teachers, bosses, supervisors and the like, people have a hard time today acknowledging that anyone has the “right” to tell them what to do. Obedience to almost any authority is challenged, leaving people in…

9 – “Build Your House on The ROCK!”

Going … Make Disciples! Jesus didn’t make it easy to be one of His followers. It may have seemed at times that He was actually trying to get people NOT to follow Him!! But what He was really doing was cutting out all of the pretense. It was as though He was telling people, “Don’t say you want to follow Me, or…