Sermons on I Thessalonians

7 – “The ‘Good Life’ Is Found in the Body of Christ”

‘Living As GOD’s People While We Watch and Wait for Jesus’ Return’ Millions of people are searching for “something” to make their lives more satisfying, more meaningful.  Many search for it in a career or in a relationship. Some look for “it” in money and possessions and activities of various kinds. Still others find joy in serving others, in doing things for…

6 – “The Believer’s Perspective of Light and Hope”

‘Living As GOD’s People While We Watch and Wait for Jesus’ Return’ Most people today can’t tell time!  Understanding the days in which we are living is not as easy as looking at your watch or your iPhone.  Jesus criticized the religious leaders in HIS day because they could not rightly interpret “the signs of the times” (Matthew 16:3).  All the prophecies…

4 – “The Urgency of Pressing On By Knowing God’s Will and Living to Please Him!”

‘Living As GOD’s People While We Watch and Wait for Jesus’ Return’ “You’re doing well. Press on!!” That was Paul’s message to the believers in Thessalonica. Twice in our text this morning Paul commends the believers, first for living to please God, and secondly for their love for one another, and then adds, “do so more and more” … “do this more…

3 – “The Power of Christian Relationships”

‘Living As GOD’s People While We Watch and Wait for Jesus’ Return’ Misinterpreting and/or misunderstanding God’s Word has led many to believe that as Christians we must love everyone the same and be friends with everyone we meet. What God actually says is that we should “love our enemies” by doing good to them as we have opportunity (which includes sharing the…

2 – “Messengers of God, sent by God to Bring the Message of God”

‘Living As GOD’s People While We Watch and Wait for Jesus’ Return’ In spite of the many warnings about “false teachers” in the letters of the New Testament writers, it seems that many have a hard time discerning preachers and teachers who have been sent by God from those who are false teachers. Someone has said that while “wolves in sheep’s clothing”…

1 – “The Calling and Life of the Church”

‘Living As GOD’s People While We Watch and Wait for Jesus’ Return’ People are watching! Ask a thousand people what they “see” when they look at the “church” and you will get a thousand different answers, and sadly, many of them will be negative. Many would say they have been hurt by the church, or disappointed by the church, or even “turned…

5 – “The FACT of Jesus’ Resurrection … and YOURS!” (Stand Alone Sermon)

Easter Sunday Sermon The grave is NOT your “final resting place!” God says that every human being who has ever lived will live forever.  The only question is, “Where?” We are often comforted as a believer nears their physical death because “they (and we) know where they’re going!” How can we be so sure? Because the Bible tells us that THIS life…