‘Living As GOD’s People While We Watch and Wait for Jesus’ Return’
In spite of the many warnings about “false teachers” in the letters of the New Testament writers, it seems that many have a hard time discerning preachers and teachers who have been sent by God from those who are false teachers. Someone has said that while “wolves in sheep’s clothing” bring chaos and division to the church, even worse are “wolves in shepherd’s clothing,” because they often lead the whole flock over the cliff!!! As Paul continues his letter to the Thessalonian believers his goal is to help them to discern godly messengers from false teachers. The Jewish leaders of the synagogue in Thessalonica, along with some Jews from Jerusalem, were accusing Paul and those with him of preaching against the Law and against their religion. They wanted the people to stop listening to them and return to the synagogue. The Jews tried to discredit Paul and the others, so Paul writes these verses to defend himself and the message of the Gospel in order to enable the Thessalonians to discern whom they should trust. Paul encourages them to consider their motivation, their ministry and their mission among them, compared to that of the Jewish leaders and other false teachers. In doing so he exposes the motivation of those who were opposed to him and to his message, and points out the consequences of their opposition. How do YOU discern whom you should listen to? Do you know how to determine whether the message you are hearing is of God? Many false teachers exist today, leading many astray. Be wise and learn how to distinguish false teachers from messengers sent by God!!