“You Are My Witnesses!”
Jesus asked the disciples a question that every human being must eventually answer: “Who do you say I am?” Either Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah, God’s Anointed King, who came to offer Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sin in order to SAVE those who believe from God’s just judgment … OR, He was an impostor, and Christianity is a cruel hoax, and our hope is misplaced if we trust in Him for forgiveness and life. There is no middle ground! The entire testimony of the Bible points to the truth that Jesus is God in human flesh … true God, while at the same time becoming true man in order to bear the wrath of God against sin for those who believe in Him. Our witness to others must point them to Jesus as the only hope for eternal life, and yet a sure and certain hope based upon God’s promises in Christ. While others talk about a “god” they don’t know, through the work of the Holy Spirit we who have been born again have drawn near to our Father in heaven through faith in His Son Jesus Christ and our heart’s desire is now to be used of God to lead others to the source of our hope, our peace and our joy: Jesus Christ!! No testimony is complete unless it points others to the cross, where Jesus, the eternal Son of God in human flesh, paid the penalty for sin, rose again and ascended into heaven, from where He will come to judge the living and the dead. Jesus IS who He said He is! Jesus DID what He came to do!! And He is alive! Praise God for the message of salvation that is ours to share!!!