Stand Alone Sermon
What you see as you look around you today, whether in the lives of those you know, in the cities of our nation, throughout the nations of the world, and perhaps in your own life … what you see could easily be described in one word: UNREST. Since the Garden of Eden there has been conflict between people. It is not something new. And yet only God reveals the source of the unrest that we see all around us: the spirits of those who do not know Him, who have not been born again by HIS Spirit, are not at rest. People continue to attempt to resolve the conflict and chaos all around us by urging people to “Be Nice,” or by offering people money or things, believing that will make them happy … whatever that means. Alcohol, marijuana and a host of other drugs are consumed by millions in an attempt to produce an inner “peace” that only GOD can provide. No wonder that Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”(Matthew 11:28). Only by confessing our sin, realizing that our worst problem is our separation from God, and then accepting God’s gift of grace through faith in Jesus Christ can we or anyone else find true spiritual REST!! We need God! It has been said that in every person is a “God-sized hole” that only GOD can fill. But what God? And how can God satisfy your soul so that you begin to find peace in the midst of the storm, hope in the face of despair and joy in times of sadness?? The answer is found in God’s promises in Christ! And His promises are found in His Word. Whether you experience any degree of spiritual REST in your life in this world (or find perfect rest in the world to come) is directly related to your hunger for and knowledge of God’s Word, for it is here that you will find rest for your soul. Do you want what God offers, or will you continue to pursue the mirage the world offers? The choice is yours!! One will satisfy … the other will not. Hear Jesus’ call, and draw near to Him in faith. Only then will you find REST!!