” …the end. “
While there are those who do not believe there will even BE a “Rapture,” most of the discussion regarding “end times” revolves around the timing of the gathering together of believers prior to God’s judgment on mankind as they live upon the earth. Millions have been led to believe that the Rapture is a secret event that could take place at any moment … but what does the Bible say? Many years ago a popular book series, “Left Behind,” made it appear that the Bible teaches the imminent removal of believers from the earth, leaving the rest of the world to live out what is then described in John’s “Revelation.” As believers living in the world today, we must know that the Bible IS the final authority on anything it teaches, and it certainly teaches a lot about the events leading up to and surrounding the return of Jesus Christ! That there will be a time when the bodies of those who have believed and who have died will be raised to meet Jesus in the clouds, and then joined with those who are still alive, who will be immediately transformed, cannot be questioned on the basis of God’s revelation of these things. As for the timing of the Rapture, it must take place prior to God’s “Day of the Lord” wrath, for “God has not destined US for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Thessalonians 5:9). By examining God’s Word you will discover that even though we cannot know “the day or the hour,” believers WILL know the time when Jesus is about to return. “As in the days of Noah” God WILL deliver His people and then pour out His judgment on those who remain. God says it … and that settles it!!