“The Six Marks of a Disciple”
You know that feeling when you sense that God is really close and everything seems to be going your way … yeah, that’s NOT intimacy with God!! That’s what some people THINK is intimacy with God, until something happens that shatters their imaginary world and they lose that feeling. But true intimacy with God is more than a feeling! True intimacy with God is a state of being produced by the Spirit of God through the knowledge of God and is received as a gift of God’s grace by faith. Feelings come and go, but truth forms the foundation for true oneness with God through faith in Jesus Christ! Jesus prayed for those who would believe in Him, that we would be ONE with Him and the Father (John 17:21). A true disciple of Jesus knows God, loves God and desires to serve God because God Himself has re-created spiritual life within the heart and mind of every one of His chosen and redeemed children. Our pursuit of intimacy with God is not the desperate search of an unbeliever for someone or something to believe in, but rather the response of a heart moved by thanksgiving for the gift of true spiritual, eternal LIFE!! We who by God’s grace trust in Jesus Christ for forgiveness and life ARE ONE with God and we can and do experience that oneness as we seek Him, setting our minds and hearts on Christ Jesus, our Savior and our Lord. It is in following Him, imitating Him, being like Him, that we discover the joy of living in God’s presence every moment of every day, looking forward to that time when we will live with Him forever in the new heaven and the new earth, the home of righteousness. Until then, He is with us and IN us!!!