I Have Come That They May Have LIFE!
Sometimes understanding the Bible comes down to grammar. This is why translations of the Bible that do not give a word-for-word translation, choosing instead to “say it like we might say it today,” sometimes change the meaning of God’s Word, intentionally or unintentionally. Such is the case with John 10, verse 10. Many have been taught that Jesus came to give us “an abundant life,” with the word “abundant” being an adjective describing the life Jesus gives to those who believe. People who hear this and then “believe” in Jesus, imagining He will give them an abundance of good things, including good health, prosperity, and more, are often disappointed. Some ask longingly, “Where is the abundant life Jesus promised??” Of course, God does bless those who are true believers, and sometimes He gives health, wealth, and more … but that is not what Jesus promised. The truth is, John 10:10 says Jesus came to give “LIFE,” with the intent that those who received His gift of life would live it out “abundantly.” It is important to understand that the word “abundantly” is an adverb, explaining how those who received God’s gift in Christ would experience His gift of spiritual life … “abundantly.” Not until you actually hear and understand what Jesus came to give His sheep will you stop looking for the “abundant life” in the things of the world, and instead, discover true LIFE and be empowered by His Spirit to live out that life “abundantly!” Life in Christ is spiritual life, not merely more “stuff” in this world that satisfies the desires of the flesh while leaving you “hungry” and “thirsty” for MORE!! The LIFE Jesus gives satisfies the heart and calms the soul of those who have it “abundantly!” How does that happen? What does that “look” like? Thank God, He tells us in His Word!!