THIS Is Eternal Life!
In the midst of the chaos of life in this world, GOD REIGNS! Not just any “god,” but the God of creation, who is at the same time the God of salvation, of eternal life. If this is not true, if there is not one true God who is ruling over all things, then nothing makes sense, then there is no hope and all we have left is the chaos, and ultimately, death. Oh, but there is so much more!!! And it is in knowing God and acknowledging His reign that you will find not only hope, but peace of heart and mind, and true and lasting joy! Those without the Spirit of God reject the reign of God and the King whom He has sent, Jesus, the Christ, God’s eternal Son, His Anointed King. In so doing they live in spiritual darkness all their lives, awaiting the judgment of the God they have rejected. The Bible reveals God’s plan and purpose: to establish His kingdom on the earth, first in the hearts and lives of His people, and finally through the return of His Son, Jesus Christ, to reign over all the earth. We live today in what the Bible calls, “the day of salvation,” as God calls His people to come to Him through faith in His Anointed King, the Messiah, the Christ, Jesus. God reveals in Israel both the consequences of rejecting God as King and the joy of acknowledging His reign. His kingdom WILL come in its fullness … until then, we who believe rejoice that our God reigns and that Jesus Christ is on the throne!!