Stand Alone Sermon
Living as a Christian in the world today requires wisdom that can only be found in God’s Word, and the understanding that can only be received by the Holy Spirit. Those without the Spirit who reject the teaching and commands of God in His Word make self-centered, foolish, even harmful decisions because they are operating with limited knowledge and understanding. It is not so for those who know God, who believe His Word and who are filled with His Spirit! Throughout His Word God reveals truths, principles, that when applied to the various circumstances and situations of life lead to choices and decisions that glorify God and build up Christ’s Body, the Church. It is the responsibility of God’s people to seek wisdom from God by studying His Word and praying for His guidance. Because God is sovereignly at work within and among His people, giving certain talents, gifts and abilities to each one, the work He calls us to do must be done TOGETHER … each doing their part to contribute to the goal of the whole. In a world and a society that thrives on “everybody for himself or herself,” working together can be, and often is, a challenge! At times we may not know or agree on which “path” to take toward the common goal of glorifying God and building up the Body, as we live as ambassadors of Christ’s kingdom, but God promises to give us all we need to accomplish HIS purpose and to fulfill our calling as disciples of Jesus. Sitting on the sidelines and being spectators is not an option. There’s work to be done! May we all be about our Father’s business!!