‘From Eden … to the Cross!’
Once you know who God IS … the God who created the universe and everything in it, and who upholds and sustains it by His power and wisdom … and you know that He destroyed the world with a flood, bringing judgment and death upon the entire human race except Noah and his family … you must wonder, “How can I draw near to this God, MY Creator?” While all the other religions in the world answer this question by requiring specific behaviors or offerings or good works to earn your way there, only in God’s Word, the Bible, do you find a different answer: GOD provides the offering! Understanding that you can never EARN God’s favor, there must be another way, or we are eternally lost, separated from God by our sin. But what about God’s promise in Genesis 3:15? God promised to send One who would be “the seed of the woman” to defeat Satan and sin and death. Following the flood, God maintained a “godly line,” a remnant of the human race; people who knew Him, who believed in Him and who worshiped Him. Out of this godly line God chose one man and revealed His plan to send the Savior to save him and his spiritual descendants … all who by God’s grace would believe in the coming Messiah!! The man’s name was Abram, later changed to Abraham. To him God revealed the way to approach Him: through faith in the offering God would provide, His own Son, Jesus Christ!! It’s all GOD’s story … HIS-story!