THIS Is Eternal Life!
“Love” is perhaps the most misunderstood and abused word in the English language! For most it is a word focused on feelings and self. People love things that make them feel good and other people who make them feel good. It’s all about ME! “But God shows HIS love for us (believers) in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!” (Romans 5:8). It is God’s sacrificial love for us in sending Jesus to be our Savior to which God calls His people to respond. “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might!” (Deuteronomy 6:5). How do you “command” someone to love you?? Only God has the right to command creatures who were created in His image to love Him. God knows that in our sinful state we are unable and unwilling to love Him, therefore His love is displayed in sending His Son to bear His wrath against us, and then He sends His Spirit to empower us, to enable us to respond willingly and joyfully to love the One who is now “‘Abba,’ Father!” It is in loving God that you will find the joy of true love in a oneness that only the Spirit of God can produce. Our joyful obedience to God reveals our love for Him as we offer our lives in the service of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ!!