“You Are My Witnesses!”
Spiritual growth lies at the very foundation of the ministry of the true Church. While many believe the mission of the Church stops at “making disciples,” Jesus instructed those He sent out to “teach them to observe (obey) ALL” that He had commanded. God’s message to the Church throughout the New Testament is to pursue spiritual maturity, to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!” (II Peter 3:18). Spiritual growth requires knowing what God says in His Word and applying it to our everyday living as the Holy Spirit works to conform us to the image of Jesus! Our Father in heaven has given us everything we need to grow in Christ, yet too often those who claim to be followers of Jesus neglect these “means of grace.” Many live as spiritual “babes,” still needing “milk” rather than “solid food.” Only when you are devoted to pursuing spiritual growth will you see the spiritual transformation that God desires for His children occurring within you. Spiritual growth is more than a change in outward behavior; it is an inner transformation produced by the Holy Spirit in those who are using the means God has given us to “grow up,” to mature. All of this is for the glory of God, so that HIS “light” may shine through us to the world that lies in the darkness. Pray for wisdom and strength instrument in God’s hands to show others the way to new life in Christ Jesus!