The Parables of Jesus
The Bible is clear that there are two destinations for human beings when they leave this world: Heaven or “Hades” (the place of the dead who have not believed in Jesus). Heaven is a place of joy and contentment in the presence of God, while Hades is a place of torment where unbelievers await the final judgment when they will be cast into “the lake of fire,” which is hell. While many refuse to believe that most people will perish in their sin, Jesus spoke often about these two destinations and explained that believing in Him was the only way to avoid God’s just judgment against sin. That is, in fact, why He came … to pay the penalty against sin for all who believe and so deliver us from the judgment we deserve. The Pharisees, the disciples and others who followed Jesus had heard Him speak of the kingdom of heaven, but the Pharisees and those who were in the upper levels of their society believed that they were safe from God’s judgment because of their position in this life. Surely, they would be welcomed into God’s presence when they died! But in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus Jesus presents a different view of how and why one arrives at their eternal destination. He reveals both the foolish stubbornness of most who refuse to repent and believe, while at the same time displaying God’s amazing grace to those who find their rest in Him. This life is not all there is!! Do you know where YOU will spend eternity? Listen well!!