The Parables of Jesus
Sandwiched in between Jesus’ teaching about the signs of His return and His description of the final judgment are two parables: the parable of the ten virgins, and the parable of the talents. As Jesus approached Jerusalem, knowing He was going to be crucified, that He would rise again and ascend into heaven, He continued to teach His disciples how to live in this world while keeping their minds on Him and His coming reign over all things. How often do you think about Jesus? Does the thought of His reign at the Father’s right hand and the promise of His return encourage you, or is your mind “stuck” only on your life in this world? As He speaks of His return and of the coming judgment, Jesus teaches His disciples to be ready by using their talents to serve Him, their Master. Many people complain about their “master,” whomever it is that they work for … but ultimately, we who confess Jesus Christ as Lord work for HIM!!! We are stewards of the gifts the Father has given us as the Spirit of Christ lives within us. Some have different gifts than others, and some may have “more” gifts than others, but what is important is using whatever God has given to YOU for HIM! Living to serve Jesus Christ as your Master brings peace, contentment and joy to your heart and mind. One day every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, but we who believe have the blessing and privilege of doing so now, and that is what gives meaning to your everyday life in this world. “I’m serving Jesus!” Knowing this truth helps you find joy in serving others because you are doing it for HIM!! As the Psalmist writes, “Serve the Lord with gladness!” You will never regret serving Jesus!!!