Romans: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Hear It! Believe It! Live It!”
Faith requires the knowledge of God that leads to trusting God. After everything he has written about sin and righteousness and God’s plan of salvation, Paul arrives at Chapter 11, being moved by the Spirit to remove any doubt the believers may have about God’s promises in the Gospel. What if God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has rejected the people of Israel because of their disobedience? What about God’s promises to Abraham and his descendants? Did God’s plan have to be “adjusted” because they just didn’t cooperate? If the actions of human beings can force God to change His plans and stop Him from keeping His promises, then how anyone be sure that all that God promises to those who believe in Jesus Christ will come to pass??? This is the dilemma many in the church seem to face today! We hear today about the state of Israel “occupying” the land that is said to belong to the Palestinians. People in churches are told that God rejected Israel and that He has no future plans for the Jewish people apart from the church. But what does GOD say through Paul in Romans 11 and other places in His Word? Because God’s Word is true in all that it teaches, you must seek to fully understand all that God has revealed in His Word. In doing so the foundation for your faith is found to be firm and unshakeable. God has done, is doing and will do everything He has promised to do. All who know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and who by the power of His Spirit trust in Him, can KNOW that He is at work in our world today to fulfill His promises to Israel and to the Church. WE are part of His plan! YOU are part of His plan! And once you accept His truth your response will be worship and praise to the One who is worthy … “for from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever! Amen!!” (Romans 11:36).