How lucky are you to have the opportunity to know the true God and to believe in Jesus??!!! Of course, you know that “luck” has nothing to do with it, yet this is what many seem to think. They believe a series of random events happened in your life, and at some point you were smart enough or wise enough to make a decision to “invite Jesus into your heart” or to “give your life to Jesus!” Such thinking leaves eternal life in the hands of human effort and effectively removes God from the equation, reducing His role to watching from the sidelines. This is NOT the God who reveals Himself through His Word, the Bible!! The Almighty God who created all things by the power of His Word determined that He would create beings “in His own image,” and knowing they would be unable to sustain the perfection in which they were created, He set in motion a plan to save a chosen remnant and to reveal Himself to them through the work of His Spirit, drawing them to Himself in order to create the “ekklesia,” the “called-out assembly,” who would know Him and love Him and serve Him throughout all eternity, time without end, in a new heaven and a new earth! HOW God accomplishes His purpose is the topic of this series of messages, and we begin by acknowledging God’s sovereign choice in ELECTION, in choosing some and in doing everything necessary to totally and completely SAVE US from spiritual death, delivering US from the kingdom of darkness and transferring US into the kingdom of His Son, Jesus Christ. Oh, amazing grace, how sweet the sound!!!