‘From Eden … to the Cross!’
Fairytales often begin with the words, “Once upon a time,” and what follows is a brief background that lays the foundation for the “story” that will follow. Background is important if you are going to understand “the rest of the story!” And this is precisely why the majority of people in the world do not understand why believing in Jesus Christ is necessary in order to receive God’s gift of eternal life. In fact, failing to understand the truth of the spiritual condition of those without faith in Jesus Christ is what leads many, even in the visible church, to offer “religion” to those who come, rather than the sure and certain promise of eternal life that comes through the Gospel. It is only when you truly realize the depth of mankind’s fall that you will rejoice in the promise of God to send a Savior, the “Seed of the woman.” Jesus came to bring spiritual life to those who are spiritually dead!! This is where Christianity is different than all the religions of the world. The “story” of salvation from sin and death revealed in the Bible from Genesis through Revelation is based upon the truths revealed in Genesis 3: that the human race DIED when Adam sinned against God, and the only cure is the life God promises to those who believe in the ONE He promised to send in Genesis 3:15 … the One who would crush the head of the serpent, of Satan. Once you believe those two truths and trust in Jesus Christ as YOUR Savior, having been born again by the Spirit of God through the hearing of the Gospel, you are called and sent to testify … to tell people about the Savior, Jesus Christ! What happened in the Garden of Eden points to the cross!!