REVIVAL! Fanning into Flame the Gift of God That is In You!
Living as a follower of Jesus Christ while still battling your old sinful nature is often exhausting … which is why you need to use all of the “tools” at your disposal. God’s Spirit lives within every true believer and “the sword of the Spirit” is the Word of God. When you know there are areas of your life that are not pleasing to God you must be willing to admit your need and draw near to God for revival, for renewal, for restoration. It’s easy to become a “lazy” Christian … to accept the remaining sin in your life and to simply give in to the “usual” temptations; after all, nobody’s perfect. You will never experience revival with that attitude, with that way of thinking! You must WANT revival badly enough that you are willing to put aside your spiritual laziness, or perhaps your spiritual pride, and return to the Lord with humility and brokenness. Some think they are so bad God can’t help them. Others think they are “good enough,” certainly better than others, and so pray that God will work in others, failing to see their own need. Recognizing your need is necessary, and knowing God is able and willing to meet that need, to continue His work in you, to restore you, is also necessary. Remember, God says, “Return to ME, and I will return to you!” Only by drawing near to God in humility, confessing your brokenness and believing in God’s grace in Jesus Christ, will you experience God’s empowering grace to overcome the flesh and be renewed in your spirit. Return to the Lord, and He will revive you!!