“I AM!”
“The LORD is my Shepherd …” For many the words flow out of our mouths with little thought. We say, “Jesus is Lord!” Again, little thought. Then “LIFE” happens, and we realize, if only for a moment, how much we NEED a Shepherd, and how important it is to have a GOOD Shepherd … one who is wise enough and powerful enough to guide us, to protect us and to lead us to safe pasture. JESUS CHRIST, and He alone, is the Good Shepherd for His sheep. Knowing Him and knowing He knows you, and that He cares for you, is the difference between the endless wandering that leaves millions looking for meaning and direction, and the sure and certain confidence of knowing that if you keep your eyes on Jesus all will be well in the end … so if things aren’t “well” yet, it’s not the end!! “Jesus” is not a name to be used to get what you want from God, nor is “Jesus” an idea to be considered as one option on the smorgasbord of individuals who may serve as an example to follow. It is because Jesus is THE “Christ,” God’s Anointed King, the promised Messiah, that all who hear His voice find in Him the hope and peace and joy their souls long for. He is both willing and able to give to His sheep the one thing that can be found nowhere else: Eternal life in the presence of His Father, our Creator! As Jesus declares Himself to BE the one and only “Good Shepherd,” it is only those who are His sheep who will hear His voice and follow Him, ultimately dwelling with Him “in the house of the Lord … FOREVER!” What a joy to be able to say, “The LORD is MY Shepherd!”