“I AM!”
People without Jesus have a great imagination! They imagine a God who, if he exists at all, is more like a genie in a bottle than a sovereign Creator who is ruling over all things for His purposes. They imagine that whatever they believe is true is actually truth, and they imagine they have life now and that they will quite probably live on after death in a place created by … you guessed it, their imagination. A growing number of people today imagine a world without God … a world that happened by chance and that is governed by chance. And they think WE are foolish for believing in the one true and only God who has revealed Himself in His creation, in His Son, and in His Word. WE KNOW BETTER!! We know better, not because we are so “smart, but because by God’s grace we know Jesus, the One sent from the Father to reveal Himself to those whom He chooses. When by His Spirit you are given new life in Christ, you know the way to the Father, you know the truth from the Father and you now have life with the Father. Jesus is first of all the giver of life, and then He is the center of life. I follow Him because I know where He is leading; I believe Him because I know He always speaks the truth; and I rest in Him because I know He sustains my life every moment of every day. I cannot, I dare not live one day, one hour, without clinging to Jesus. I NEED JESUS!! And so do you! Hear these words of Jesus and come to the Father and you will find all you need!!