To God Be Glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus
Angels are watching!! As we who know the one true God and who, by His grace, have confessed Jesus Christ as Savior and acknowledged Him as Lord … as we live out the lives HE has given us, the angels are watching! That may seem like a foolish thought to some, and may even appear a bit delusional, but God says it is so. The angels have a view we can only imagine and are interested and involved in what God is doing on planet earth. They know His plan to gather for Himself a people and heard His promises to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. How would God do it? How would He make of Israel a great nation and bring the Messiah, the King into this world? How would God keep His promise to bless all nations through the descendant of Abraham, the chosen SEED? The angels watched as the eternal Son of God became flesh … a tiny baby in a manger. They watched as He grew into a man and then as He went to the cross! How could THIS accomplish the purpose of the Father?? Yet in the pouring out of His Spirit and the proclaiming of the Gospel God’s wisdom and power was and is revealed to the angels! In this technological world, where mankind foolishly imagines that we have the answers to everything at the tips of our fingers and yet, where the truth of our Creator is suppressed at every turn, God continues to use His Spirit and His Word, spoken by and through the Church, to accomplish His eternal purposes, for His glory. God … the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth … OUR Creator, has chosen to make known HIS wisdom to the angels in and through His Church!! What a privilege, what a responsibility is ours … is YOURS, in Christ Jesus!