“Wisdom to Live By!”
“Laziness” is one of those subjects people may bring up in conversation, usually to point out that someone else is being lazy, but few people actually think about the root cause of laziness or the cure for it! The dictionary defines “laziness” as “being unwilling to work or to use energy.” As such, it is seen for the most part as a lack of physical activity. But there are underlying causes that reveal the problem to be much deeper. “Laziness” actually has to do with the mind and the heart; it is truly a spiritual matter and so must be addressed as such. People are lazy because the flesh, the old nature of sin, is in control. The flesh hates work and the human mind requires motivation to move the flesh from its resistance to profitable labor. Those who are lazy will somehow find the energy to do whatever they want to do, which is almost always to indulge the flesh in one manner or another, either with food or pleasure or an activity of some kind that it deems worthy of some kind of effort. Solomon contrasts those who are lazy with those who are diligent and wise. God reveals in His Word that those with the Spirit are enlightened and realize that the ability to work and the opportunity to work come from the Lord and bring both satisfaction and fulfillment to those who live for Christ! God gives us a new view of fruitful labor that honors Him and builds up His Body, while at the same time contributing to the world around us by being a light in the darkness. How is your attitude toward work? When you see every day as an opportunity to serve Christ, you will not have time to be lazy!!