Revival! Fanning Into Flame the Gift of God That Is In You!
Here’s an old saying that goes like this: “To err is human, to forgive is divine!” There can be no question that God tells us to be willing and ready, even eager, to forgive those who sin against us, yet, when it comes to doing it, we often find it difficult, if not impossible, to do so! Because we are created in God’s image we want justice, and when someone sins against us by treating us badly or doing something to hurt us, we want them to face some kind of consequences. We want justice!! But the desire for justice can easily become a desire for revenge and this is where God calls His people to forgive as we have been forgiven. Most people find it hard to forgive because it feels like we are letting the offender “off the hook.” They are getting by with hurting us, causing us mental, emotional, even physical pain, and are not facing any consequences that might teach them to change their attitude or their behavior. Surely God doesn’t want us to pretend that all is well when it’s NOT!!! It’s only when you understand what it MEANS to forgive that you begin to realize God wants what is best for you AND for the one who has sinned against you. God’s command to forgive is not an idealistic wish designed to make people be nice, but rather, a spiritual weapon to accomplish spiritual growth and maturity in His children. Forgiving as you have been forgiven is a good thing … for YOU!!