REVIVAL! Fanning into Flame the Gift of God That is In You!
“You’re only human!” The enemy of your soul would like you to believe that statement because it can then be used to make excuses for sin in your life. “After all, everyone knows that nobody is perfect! You can’t help it if you give in to temptation. Sinning is just a natural part of life in this world and you need to accept that and go on with life. It’s no big deal.” So says Satan and so says the world … but GOD says otherwise!! God says that if you are born again by His Spirit and have confessed Jesus Christ as your Savior and submitted to Him as your Lord, you are NOW a “new creation,” and His Spirit lives within you, working to conform you to the image of Jesus, the eternal Son of God, who Himself lived in the flesh on this earth and faced every temptation you face, yet without sin. Because HE lives within you by His Spirit, you are NOT powerless over temptation, for “He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world” (I John 4:4). So how do you live in this world by the power of the Spirit of God? Can you really tap into the power of God Himself and live life as Jesus did when He walked upon the earth? GOD’s answer is, “YES!” Paul writes to the Galatians, “Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16). Only the Spirit can produce true revival in the minds and hearts and lives of God’s children. So how do you become “filled with the Spirit” and get empowered to live for Christ? God gives us the answer in His Word … you just need to hear what He says and DO IT!!!