REVIVAL! Fanning into Flame the Gift of God That is In You!
“Are you ‘on fire’ for Christ?” What does that even mean??? While many identify an emotional response to the Gospel as evidence of true revival, God points us to something more, something deeper and more lasting than mere emotion … God points us toward spiritual maturity! That doesn’t sound very exciting until you realize that following Christ is a lifelong pursuit. Being “on fire” for Christ and having passion for God and the things of God and His kingdom requires perseverance produced by the Spirit in those who KNOW God, who have confessed Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and who now desire to serve Him! Many believe they are “Christians” because they “believe in Jesus,” but there is no evidence of a change of heart or mind or will. Their lives look remarkably similar to those who are NOT followers of Christ. Revival is, as we have seen from the beginning, for God’s people, for those who have been born again by the Spirit who lives within them. Revival is for those who are convicted by the Spirit that they have “lost their first love” for God and who realize their need to “return to God!” You must come to God “as a child,” but God calls you to GROW UP! In reality, “growing in Christ” is what revival is all about. Do you want it??? Do you desire the knowledge of God as you desire the air that you breathe? It is this desire that you must “fan into flame” as you press toward the goal of being conformed to the image of Christ! To GOD be the glory!