Sermons on Matthew

3 – “The Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of The World!”

Going … Make Disciples! Perfection!! Let’s face it, the very thought of anyone or anything being “perfect” in this world is, for the most part, unimaginable! So imagine the perfect Son of God, who existed before creation, through whom and for whom everything was made, entering into this world, taking upon Himself a human nature, yet without sin … imagine the perfect…

1 – “Who IS Jesus? And why does it matter?!”

Going … Make Disciples! Living in the midst of our modern world, having access to an unending stream of knowledge on every subject imaginable, what possible difference could it make to your life whether or not you understand or believe what one book says about one man who lived nearly 2,000 years ago?  But what if that “one man” was the fulfillment…

10 – “Seeking God in the New Year!”

Stand Alone Sermon There is something about turning the calendar to a new year that makes it seem that almost anything is possible, which is why many people begin the year by making resolutions. The problem, however, with the resolutions most people make, is that they rely on merely human “will-power” to accomplish them, and so they eventually end up where Paul…

9 – “The Wedding”

Stand Alone Sermon “Keep your eyes on the prize!” People who want to encourage people to focus, to keep on working, to persevere through trials and to do whatever it takes to reach their goal often use these words.  In fact, the Apostle Paul said something very similar in Philippians 3:14: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the…

11 – “The New Heaven and Earth … The Eternal Home of Believers!”

The Truth About God, Satan, Angels, Demons, Heaven and Hell Some “secrets” are better hidden than others, and others are “hidden” in plain sight!  While most Christians know about and talk about “going to heaven” when they leave this life, few seem to know that heaven is not our final destination! God reveals in His Word that He will destroy this planet…

1 – “The URGENCY of Knowing God!”

The Truth About God, Satan, Angels, Demons, Heaven and Hell “What is WRONG with people??!!!” The answer seems to depend on whom you ask. Most of the “experts” in the media, and many of those who are leaders in government and business and even in the church, believe the problem is with our “society,” not with the people who make up our…